Services Offered

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Child Therapy

Does your child have trouble regulating and expressing their emotions? 

Is their behavior sometimes disruptive in the home, community or school setting? 

Have they experienced recent transitions, sudden loss or trauma?

Adolescent Therapy

Is your teen under a lot of academic and social stress?

Do they seem distant, unhappy or unmotivated?

Are you concerned about substance abuse or eating disorders?

Family Therapy

Would your family unit benefit from learning new communication and conflict resolution skills?

Would you like a more peaceful co-existence with your household members? 

Would you like to build a strong family foundation?

Individual Therapy

Are you struggling to balance all of the expectations in your life? 

Does your anxiety, depression, or trauma history affect your ability to be present in your life?

Would you like to learn new strategies?

Group Therapy

Do you wish that you had more of a sense of community?

Do you feel isolated and alone?

Do you want to connect with other people within a supportive environment?

Inspirational Quotes

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new”

Albert Einstein

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from our own actions”

Dalai Lama

“At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can”

Frida Kahlo